Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Incomplete Triathlete

I'm asking myself every day why
I agreed to do this disabled Paratri?
Just because I was asked I did not need to say yes
I don't care what people think I don't need to impress
So why attempt to be a triathlete
With a body that is a bit incomplete? 
I climbed up Ben Nevis and was feeling quite smug
I said no problem and a hole myself dug
Looking on the plus side, I had put on some lard
And trying to loose it was proving quite hard
Outdoor training under sun summer skies
Might be a good way to drop a dress size 

To get in the lake for 750 meters swim
To complete that distance I need to wear fins
Worrying what if I get kicked in the face
Before getting started I'd sink without trace
Or I could lead up and down Dorney lake
Leaving the competition behind in my wake
I've practiced transition without any assistance
Half an hour of fighting with Lycra resistance
This is why there is a need for disability Tri
Inclusively competing with help on our side

I can cycle all of the 20 Kilometres ride
The cake shop at the end fills up my insides
The bit I find difficult is the bitch 5 k run
My muscles fast twitch endurance no fun
When I'm running my little arms flick left to right
By-passers find me an interesting sight
I have to admit that it causes me stress
When I hear the old ladies whisper "Ahh Bless
I must set an example, put on a brave face
I know this won't happen on the day of the race
But I am still asking myself every day why
I agreed to take part in the August ParaTri?